More expansive questions

Time is the currency I have historically fretted over and am now learning to dance with more creatively.

When there are many householder demands on my time (being a wife, mama + domestic goddess, teaching, seeing clients and hosting speaking engagements) and when I also want to do all the other things (travel, more studying with my teachers, more reading, more time with friends, more more more deep spiritual practice), I have to play with using my mental direction more creatively versus destructively.

Instead of questions that invert and shrink my energy field like: why do I never have enough time? How am I supposed to get everything I want to done? Why does my kid not sleep as much as anyone else’s kid? Why is this so hard?

I’m flipping the script to questions that are far more expansive and empowering, like:

How can I maximize the precious time I do have?

What would it look like to feel and experience time as more expansive?

Can I bring more sacred presence to whatever I’m doing right now?

Can I remember the ridiculous amount of things I have to be grateful for in this very moment?

Can I remember the transience of it all?

Can I laugh about it?

Yes time is precious and yes we need to use it well. But I’m finding we also need to be playful when our time experience is more shall we say layered in journeys of motherhood or intense career time or caretaking or healing or any of the other crazy wonderful things life serves us up.

Start with watching what questions you’re asking yourself. Notice if they can be more expansive, more opening, more uplifting. Then turn the corners of your mouth upwards and make the choice to play more in that open space.

Joanna Andreae